Friday, July 30, 2010

The price of failure: ZAR

Last night, we (a group of friends and I) went to the relatively new club at the (Gautrain) Radisson: ZAR. Let me just say that not all the ZAR in the world could have have made this night enjoyable. Generally, a less-than-appealing venue can still be turned into a great night out by the company you keep, but not even my amazing friends could rescue THIS evening!

Gosh...where to begin?

Firstly, I loathe the look of the club. The decorator, for God alone knows what reason, decided that purple and grey/silver was a good colour scheme to work with. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?!?! There are random elements of beauty - the view, for example, but that cannot be attributed to the club - but there is nothing remotely cohesive or beautiful about the decor or layout.

Secondly, in keeping with said colour scheme, the waiters and waitresses also wear purple. Can I just say that purple is NOT everyone's colour. I'm also all for non-discrimination in terms of the waitresses sizes, but then, for the love of God, be mindful of their varying sizes when dressing them! A larger girl does not look attractive in a short, (say it with me now) purple dress. I don't even want to talk about the purple satin shirts the waiters have to wear. It's fashion slavery! Give them free!

Thirdly, and probably most importantly: the ZAR it costs to frequent ZAR! Gob-smacked is an understatement. My poor (not financially) friends did what they always do and asked the waitress for a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of lime. The answer they received was LEGEN......wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY! A bottle of ordinary whiskey (not single malt, 9-druple distilled, 1845 year old, kiss of the Saaz hop whiskey, or however good whiskey is measured) is 960 ZAR! A glass of wine: 100 ZAR! Et le piece de resistance: a bottle of lime...{drum roll} 300 SOUTH AFRICAN RAND!!!!!!!!

Now I ask you, with tears in my vision-impaired eyes, does a badly decorated, badly-dressed-staff, terrible-music-playing, unnecessarily expensive club sound like a fun night out, or a night without fun?

ex oh ex oh

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Weightloss to date...

So I actually only started eating properly last Tuesday. I stopped drinking the day the World Cup ended, but the eating thing took a smidge longer :) As of this Tuesday, (a week later) I have lost 2.5kg, which is probably just water weight, but i did also lose 8 cm which cannot (I hope) be attributed to water or the lack thereof.

I won't lie, it's been friggin' difficult, eating barely any carbs, (and even then it's only crackers) lotsa veggies and protein and drinking water until I feel like that Sprite ad where they randomly turn into into water...but I guess, in the end it'll all be worth it. My birthday is 9 weeks away, so I should be able to lose a further 9kg by then, but everyday is an internal WAR!

The thing that depresses and demotivates me is the thought that healthy eating is going to have to be my life's story! I'll never be able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want to. I'll always have to watch what I eat and keep myself in check and if ever I go overboard, get back onto this rigorous plan. I guess it just boils down to me never feeling like I can be normal and careless. Weight will always and forever be a factor of my life.

On the other hand, what is the alternative? Being unhappy with my weight but being able to eat anything I want?

Such is the conundrum of my life.

Jo'burg's new Kingpin

With the renaissance of the Johannesburg CBD slowly taking shape, a new bar/lounge has opened in De Korte street, Braamfontein. Elegant, unique, beautifully decorated and with a breathtaking view to boot, RANDLORDS is set to become an icon of Jo’burg day and nightlife. Situated at the top of the South Point Towers, it is the highest point in Braamfontein. Can you help but want to check it out: 41 De Korte street, call 0719747578, and visit

Ex oh ex oh

Some photos care of

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's all in the details...

What would clothes be without the tiny but very important details like buttons? The Pie Palooza Button Boutique has revolutionised buttons by taking them off their support structures and giving them equal rights by turning them into independent accessories, like rings and earrings. A fabulous concept from a fabulous Saffer, Jessica Faye Bourke! Check out the blog: or stop by their sale this Saturday: 44 Lower Wrensch rd, Observatory, Cape Town.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Another day...another attempt at weightloss

I've realised that losing weight is a constant battle for some, and I am privileged to be one of the chosen ones! For me, it's not about taking it one day at a time, it's taking it one minute at a time: convincing myself, begging and pleading with myself to not stray from my eating plan. It's tough work, but I guess when you're Neo, it is the nature of he beast!

Supper last night:

Breakfast today:
2 eggs and 3 Provitas



Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Armageddon has a new date: 12 July 2010

I can hear and see Innesfree Park from my office and it breaks my heart that this'll no longer be the case come Monday. Not because I'm moving office, but because the glory known as the Soccer World Cup ends on Sunday (just in case you've been living under a rock for the last few weeks).

I think the country is going to go into serious depression-mode, so to treat this, I propse that all the Muslim Imams that sing from the top of the mosques should do the right thing and give their posts up for about a week so we can transmit messages of consolation to the whole of South Africa. Maybe it'd also help if radio stations only had Psychologists on air for that week also so people who need even further help can call in and talk to a professional.

Just a thought...use it, don't use it.

Favourite song at the moment

Wise words

" The point at which climbing is the hardest is just before you summit. #perseverance. "

- Ken A Ogwang

Motivation desperately needed by yours truly, on a day like today.

Let the countdown begin!

Contestants are you ready???

In exactly 12 weeks, I will celebrate yet another birthday. After deciding last year that 25 would be my last fat birthday, I have 12 weeks to lose some more weight.

And all I want to eat is pizza and ice-cream and cheesecake and chocolate and pancakes.

But I'd settle for toast. *sigh*

But I decided today that I'm going to start eating better, so I decided I'd blog about my journey to 26 and the hopes that having my behaviour all over the interweb (that's Die Antwoord, by the by) would breed commitment and a sense of accountability. Riiiiiiight!

FOOD DIARY: 6 Jul. 2010
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 crackers, black coffee

Lunch: Soup, a naartjie.

Craving: E.R.R.R.T.H.A.N.G!


Hello...Good Mor...Afternoon

This is my first blog post, and I can't think of how to write it because I don't know if people write blogs addressed to their audience, or just for themselves. What if you have no audience? Are you addressing it in the hopes that someone will stumble upon it? Or that, out of obligation, your friends will read it? It's all really a lot of pressure for something that is intended to be fun.


I guess I can only write like myself...until I've coerced and blackmailed those near and dear to me.





Oh there's a good place to start: Why TickTock?
My grandfather, uncle and cousin all called/call me Tick-Tock. I have no idea why, but I know it started when I was very young and it just stuck. When I decided to start a blog (an hour ago), TickTock was the first name that came to mind and I now realise how appropriate it is.

At 25 years old, much of my life seems to be either dictated by or revolves around a social clock. I should have this. I should be this. I should want this.
I should
You should
He should
She should
We should
You should
They should.

Example: My friend told me that I only have 5 years to find a boyfriend, date for a considerable amount of time and get married, because a woman SHOULD be married by 30, otherwise she's like the can of beans with the raised top and the dent in the side : passed her Best-Before date, and not likely to be taken off the shelf...unless in desperate times. Well, I don't have a boyfriend, I've been single for a considerable amount of time, and said can of beans seems a lot more palatable than marriage right about now.

This blog is about my life. The issues I face. The struggles I encounter. And all in the name of the war called Life.