Thursday, July 29, 2010

Weightloss to date...

So I actually only started eating properly last Tuesday. I stopped drinking the day the World Cup ended, but the eating thing took a smidge longer :) As of this Tuesday, (a week later) I have lost 2.5kg, which is probably just water weight, but i did also lose 8 cm which cannot (I hope) be attributed to water or the lack thereof.

I won't lie, it's been friggin' difficult, eating barely any carbs, (and even then it's only crackers) lotsa veggies and protein and drinking water until I feel like that Sprite ad where they randomly turn into into water...but I guess, in the end it'll all be worth it. My birthday is 9 weeks away, so I should be able to lose a further 9kg by then, but everyday is an internal WAR!

The thing that depresses and demotivates me is the thought that healthy eating is going to have to be my life's story! I'll never be able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want to. I'll always have to watch what I eat and keep myself in check and if ever I go overboard, get back onto this rigorous plan. I guess it just boils down to me never feeling like I can be normal and careless. Weight will always and forever be a factor of my life.

On the other hand, what is the alternative? Being unhappy with my weight but being able to eat anything I want?

Such is the conundrum of my life.


  1. Whoop whoop on the kg and cm loss!!!! Good luck with your journey! It's farking tough

  2. Thanks! It is beyond tough! *sob* Sometimes I just wanna bath in cheesecakes, and chocolate and ciabatta and burgers and pizza and BOOZE!
