Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hello...Good Mor...Afternoon

This is my first blog post, and I can't think of how to write it because I don't know if people write blogs addressed to their audience, or just for themselves. What if you have no audience? Are you addressing it in the hopes that someone will stumble upon it? Or that, out of obligation, your friends will read it? It's all really a lot of pressure for something that is intended to be fun.


I guess I can only write like myself...until I've coerced and blackmailed those near and dear to me.





Oh there's a good place to start: Why TickTock?
My grandfather, uncle and cousin all called/call me Tick-Tock. I have no idea why, but I know it started when I was very young and it just stuck. When I decided to start a blog (an hour ago), TickTock was the first name that came to mind and I now realise how appropriate it is.

At 25 years old, much of my life seems to be either dictated by or revolves around a social clock. I should have this. I should be this. I should want this.
I should
You should
He should
She should
We should
You should
They should.

Example: My friend told me that I only have 5 years to find a boyfriend, date for a considerable amount of time and get married, because a woman SHOULD be married by 30, otherwise she's like the can of beans with the raised top and the dent in the side : passed her Best-Before date, and not likely to be taken off the shelf...unless in desperate times. Well, I don't have a boyfriend, I've been single for a considerable amount of time, and said can of beans seems a lot more palatable than marriage right about now.

This blog is about my life. The issues I face. The struggles I encounter. And all in the name of the war called Life.

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